The Fine Print

Reasonable Rates

Schedule A & Schedule B Definitions:

A: Full-time employed clients, including those in receipt of Federal or State grants as well as main-stage theatre companies on triennial funding, or state instrumentalities.

B: Part-time, casual or unemployed casual clients, including theatre companies not triennially funded, small companies and playwriting agencies.

Definition of a day and a week

A day is eight hours; no more than four hours without a reasonable break. If the day tops 10 hours, a fee double the hourly rate will be charged.

A week is five working days in a row.

If six days are worked, there needs to be a gap between day 4 and 5, and a corresponding increase in fee.

TBD: to be discussed/determined.

It is assumed that the cost will be determined by the time spent on the task. The base rate is the general hourly rate.


Website design:

Portrait Photography: Jamie James