There are four possible distinct sorts of action. Each and every scene (each and every beat) has to contain at least one of these actions.
There are four possible distinct sorts of action. Each and every scene (each and every beat) has to contain at least one of these actions.
Knowing who your audience is, what their interests and expectations are is important. These change constantly and develop over time. Think of the drawing-room comedies of half a century ago… there is often nothing wrong with the core issue of the play, just the manipulation of the audience.
This is a chance for you to test your work. Your job is to WATCH, RECORD and ASSESS. Do you have an agenda for the reading?
Peter Matheson is a freelance dramaturg and script assessor living on the north coast of NSW. He has a scattered stable of individual clients in all capital cities, and the regions of NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania as well as New Zealand, USA, Hawaii and Britain.